
Mangimi Leone’s nutritional strategy solutions

As all breeders know very well, our work doesn’t end with simply supplying the animal feed, this is only where it all starts.

The management of nutrition and feeding as well as the management of the herd fertility are fundamental aspects of animal well-being, the sustainability of the farm and the development of the territory.

With an accurate mix of nutritional solutions and strategies, we have developed a specialised program for the nutritional management of farms such as the Growth Program designed for weaning and growing of calves and Program 150 for the delicate days just before and after birthing.

Mangimi Leone is dedicated to supporting its clients from start to finish, all in the interest of animal well-being.

Growth Program

The weaning and growth phases of the heifer represent particular challenges within dairy cattle farming and determinate significantly the future dairy production of the animal. Slow growth can delay reaching the ideal live weight necessary for fertilisation and therefore unnecessarily prolonging times of unproductivity and increasing costs. Taking advantage of appropriate tools in this delicate and strategic phase ensures maximum results in the next phases. Our Growth Program has been developed and formulated with the aim of keeping the heifer in optimum shape for fertilisation through well-balanced and healthy growth.
For more information on our Growth Program download the brochure, email us at or contact us on +39 095 789 2885 to request a visit from one of our technical specialists.

Program 150

The most difficult days are also the most precious days. In dairy cow farming, the days before giving birth and immediately after make up the most delicate phase in the animals’ lives. In this particular phase their nutritional needs, metabolism and hormonal balance are subject to significant changes. Taking particular care of the herd’s nutrition and well-being has a positive influence on the profitability of the farm. To help with the correct management of this delicate phase, Mangimi Leone has developed Program 150 which includes specialised technical advice tailored to the farm’s individual needs and a range of specific products for dairy cow nutrition. Program 150 aims to complete the dry phase until conception within 150 days.
For more information on our Program 150 download the brochure, email us at or contact us on +39 095 789 2885 to request a visit from one of our technical specialists.
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